
Privacy Policy


“www.moneybip.com” (hereinafter the “Website/Application”) or “MoneyBip App” (hereinafter the “Application”) is owned and operated by MoneyBip Digital Media Private Limited, a private limited company incorporated under the Companies Act, under the registered address #555, 1st Floor, Axis Pedegal, 9th Cross, 3rd Phase, JP Nagar ,Near Sony Center, Bangalore-560078, Karnataka, India(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). represented by its members, where such expression shall, unless repugnant to the context thereof, be deemed to include its respective legal heirs, representatives, administrators, permitted successors and assigns.

The creators of this Privacy Policy ensure the company’s steady commitment to “‘Your’ Privacy” in regards to the protection of ‘Your’ invaluable information. This Privacy Policy contains information regarding the online Website/Application www.moneybip.com (hereafter referred to as the “Website/Application”). In order to provide ‘You’ with our uninterrupted use of services, The Company may collect and, in some circumstances, disclose information about ‘You’. To ensure better protection of ‘Your’ privacy, The Company provides this notice explaining The Company’s information collection and disclosure policies, and the choices ‘You’ make regarding how ‘Your’ information is collected and used. ANY CAPITALIZED WORDS USED HENCEFORTH SHALL HAVE ITS MEANING ACCORDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. FURTHERMORE MORE, ALL HEADINGS USED HEREIN ARE ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ARRANGING THE VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT IN THE CHOSEN MANNER. NEITHER THE USER, NOR THE CREATERS, OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY MAY USE THE HEADING TO INTERPRET THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED WITHIN IT IN ANY MANNER.


 (a)   We”, “Our”, and “Us”shall mean and refer to the creators of this Privacy Policy.
 (b)   “You”, “Your”, “Yourself”and “User” shall mean and refer to natural and legal individuals who use the Website/Application.
 (c)   “Personal Information”shall mean and refer to any personally identifiable information that We may collect from ‘You’. To clarify any doubts, please refer to Clause 2.
 (d)   “Third Parties”refer to any Website/Application, company or individual apart from the User and the Creator of this Website/Application.


We are committed to respecting ‘Your’ online privacy. We furthermore recognize ‘Your’ need for appropriate protection and management of any Personal Information ‘You’ share with us. We may collect the following information which includes, but is not limited to:
 (a)   Personal Details - Contact Information, Name, Gender, Marital Status, Education Qualification, Dependents, Current Residential Address, DOB, Email ID, Mobile Number, Alternate Mobile Number, City ‘You’re’ currently residing in, Residence Type, Pan Card Number
 (b)   Employment Details – Employment Type (Salaried/Self-Employed), Net Salary, Business Start Date, Annual Turnover, Office Address, Office Phone Number, Work Email ID, Salaried Bank, Company Name, Joining Date, Total Experience, Nature of Employment
 (c)   Product Specific Details – Loan Amount needed, Intended Loan Tenure, Purpose of Loan
 (d)   Tracking Information such as, but not limited to, the IP address of ‘Your’ device and Device ID when connected to the Internet.
The nature and the purpose of the information collected from ‘You’ is subject to change as and when We make modifications to Our Mode of Operation in the Future.  


The Website/Application may include advertisements and hyperlinks to other Website/Applications, content or resources. We have no control over such external links present in the Website/Application, which are provided by persons or companies outside of Our organization.

‘You’ acknowledge and agree that We are not responsible for any collection or disclosure of ‘Your’ Personal Information by external Website/Applications, companies or persons. Nor do We endorse any advertising, products or other material on, or available, from such external Website/Applications, Website/Applications or resources. However, we allow third party Website/Applications to advertise their Website/Applications and resources as a purely information tool.

‘You’ furthermore acknowledge and agree that We are not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by ‘You’ as a result of the collection and/or disclosure of ‘Your’ personal information via external Website/Applications, sites or resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by ‘You’ on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on, or available from such Website/Applications, Website/Applications or resources. This external Website/Application, Website/Applications and resource providers may have their own privacy policies governing the collection, storage, retention and disclosure of ‘Your’ Personal Information that ‘You’ may be subject to. We recommend that ‘You’ enter the external Website/Application and review their Privacy Policy.
We allow third parties/individuals to display advertisements when ‘You’ use the Website/Application.


Information provided by ‘You’ at the time of registration shall be used to contact ‘You’ when necessary. For more details about the nature of such communications, please refer to Our Terms of Service. Furthermore, ‘Your’ personal data and Sensitive Personal data may be collected and stored by Us for Our internal record.

We use ‘Your’ tracking information such as IP addresses, and/or Device ID’s to help identify ‘You’ and to gather broad demographic information.
In case We are acquired by or merged with another company, We shall transfer information disclosed by ‘You’ and information about ‘You’ to the company have been acquired by/merged with. In the event of a merger or acquisition, We shall notify ‘You’ by email/ putting a prominent notice on the Website/Application before ‘Your’ Personal Information is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.


 (a)   We use data collection devices such as “cookies” on certain pages of Our Website/Applications. “Cookies” are small files sited on ‘Your’ hard drive that assist Us in providing ‘You’ with customized services. We also offer certain features that are only available through the use of a “cookie”. Cookies can also help Us provide information, which is targeted to ‘Your’ interests. Cookies may be used to identify logged in or registered users.
 (b)   Third party vendors including www.google.com (“Google”) may use cookies to serve ads based on ‘Your’ visits to this Website/Application. ‘You’ may visit the Website/Application of the respective third party and choose to opt out of the use of cookies for interest-based advertising, if the third party offers such an option. ‘You’ may choose to opt-out of the Double-Click cookie that Google and its partners use for interest-based advertising by visiting Ads Settings. (Alternatively, ‘You’ can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies for interest based advertising by visiting aboutads.info.)
 (c)   The Website/Application also has enabled Google Analytics Advertising, which allows Google to collect data about users on Our Website/Application, in addition to Google advertising cookies and anonymous identifiers. ‘You’ may choose to opt out of this by downloading and installing the Google Analytics opt-out add-on here https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.


‘Your’ information is regarded as confidential and, therefore, shall not be divulged to any third party, unless if legally required to do so to the appropriate authorities, or if necessary to ensure Users may fully avail of the services of the Website/Application.
 Any communication by Us to ‘You’ shall be undertaken in accordance with Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


Due to the existing regulatory environment, We cannot ensure that all of ‘Your’ Personal Information shall never be disclosed in ways other than those described in this Privacy Policy. Although We use industry standard practices to protect ‘Your’ privacy, We do not promise, and ‘You’ should not expect, that ‘Your’ personally identifiable information or private communications would always remain private.

8.1   External Service Providers: There may be a number of services offered by external service providers that help ‘You’ use Our Website/Application. If ‘You’ choose to use these optional services, and in the course of doing so, disclose information to external service providers, and/ or grant them permission to collect information about ‘You’, their use of ‘Your’ information is governed by their Privacy Policy.

8.2   Other Corporate Entities: We share much of Our data, including ‘Your’ Personal Information, with Our parent and/or subsidiaries that are committed to serving ‘Your’ needs through the use of Our Website/Application, and its related services, throughout the world. Such data shall be shared for the sole purpose of enhancing ‘Your’ experience of using the Website/Application. To the extent that these entities have access to ‘Your’ information, they shall treat it as protectively as they treat information they obtain from their other members. It is possible that We and/or Our subsidiaries, or any combination of such, could merge with or be acquired by another business entity. Should such a combination occur, ‘You’ should expect that We will share some or all of ‘Your’ information in order to continue to provide the service. ‘You’ shall receive notice of such event (to the extent it occurs).

8.3   Law and Order: We cooperate with law enforcement inquiries, as well as other third parties, to enforce laws, such as: intellectual property rights, fraud and other rights. We can, and ‘You’ so authorize Us, to disclose ‘Your’ Personal Information to law enforcement and other government officials as We, in Our sole discretion, believe that it is necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringements, or other activity that is illegal or may expose Us/ Us or ‘You’ to any legal liability.
Any information that ‘You’ make publically available on the site may be potentially viewed by any party, and by posting such material it is deemed that ‘You’ consent to share such information with such parties.


Following registration, ‘You’ can review and change the information ‘You’ have submitted during registration, except ‘Your’ display name/user name. An option for facilitating such change shall be present in the “MY ACCOUNT” page of the Website/Application, and such change can be facilitated by emailing Us at [email protected]. If ‘You’ change any information, We may keep track of ‘Your’ old information. If ‘You’ believe that any information We are holding on ‘You’ is incorrect or incomplete, or if ‘You’ would like to remove ‘Your’ profile so that others cannot view it, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at [email protected]. We shall promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.We shall retain in Our files information ‘You’ have requested to remove for certain circumstances, such as to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems and enforce Our Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, such prior information is never completely removed from Our databases due to technical and legal constraints, including stored ‘back up’ systems. Therefore, ‘You’ should not expect that all of ‘Your’ personally identifiable information shall be completely removed from Our databases in response to ‘Your’ requests.


We treat data as an asset that must be protected against loss and unauthorized access. We employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by members inside and outside the Company. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to Us, and information that We have accessed. However, “perfect security”does not exist on the Internet. ‘You’ therefore agree that any security breaches beyond the control of Our standard security procedures are at ‘Your’ sole risk and discretion.


‘You’ agree and undertake to indemnify Us in any suit or dispute by any Third Party arising out of disclosure of Personal Information by ‘You’ to Third Parties either through Our Website/Application or otherwise and ‘Your’ use and access of Website/Applications and resources of Third Parties. We assume no liability for any actions of Third Parties with regard to ‘Your’ Personal Information, which ‘You’ may have disclosed to.


Each paragraph of this Privacy Policy shall be and remain separate and severable from, and independent of, all and any other paragraphs herein, except where otherwise expressly indicated or indicated by the context of the agreement. The decision or declaration that one or more of the paragraphs are null and void shall have no effect on the remaining paragraphs of this Privacy Policy.


Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Hence, We will post any Privacy Policy changes on the ‘Privacy Policy’ page and also as a link in the home page.